I have been wanting to get on and blog about the word Thankful since Thanksgiving was last week! We had an awesome Thanksgiving! Ate some yummy food, visited and talked with both Trev's side of the fam and mine! It was a fun day!! We got to take my nephews and niece back home with us for a sleepover we took the kiddos bowling and also brought Trev's two cousins with us...6 kids and just Trev and I ha!! Quite the adventure! But so much fun! During the weekend it was so nice to actually spend some time with Trev as he works every weekend and it gets really frustrating and makes me grouchy since we don't have a day off together it just sucks at times...but I really got thinking over the weekend of everything I'm thankful for so here is my list!! {Thankful Tuesday}
I'm so thankful for a loving husband who cares at all times when at times I don't honestly deserve it. I'm thankful he always reminds me to look at the positive side on things when I have decided in my mind I have thought of the negative because that's how things have gone lately that I'm starting to get used to the news we hear. I'm thankful that he can always bring a smile to my face even if I have tears in my eyes and my heart is hurting...I am so lucky to have him in my life! I love you babe-
I'm thankful for my dog child Max! My buddy! He is my comfort when times are tough he reminds me just by his little underbite that everything is okay! I always look forward to the weekends when I know I have no where to be and Trev works so I get to have puppy cuddles and watch chick flicks.
I am thankful for two sets of parents! my parents and Trev's! what would we do without you! you have helped us in so many ways possible, you have picked us up off the floor when we have felt like tomorrow isn't worth it, you have taught Trev and I how to be better people to one another, and you have shown us how to be a husband and wife to each other how to have respect and show love.
I am thankful for two sets of parents! my parents and Trev's! what would we do without you! you have helped us in so many ways possible, you have picked us up off the floor when we have felt like tomorrow isn't worth it, you have taught Trev and I how to be better people to one another, and you have shown us how to be a husband and wife to each other how to have respect and show love.
I am thankful that Trev and I have two amazing families! We both were blessed with such an amazing family and we are both so lucky to have all of them in our lives!!
I'm thankful to be an aunt to the most amazing nieces and nephews ever!! I have watched these cute kids grow ever since they were born and I smile every time I see them and how they are growing into such amazing good kiddos!
I am thankful for a brother, brother in law, sister and sister in law who have always been there for Trev and I whenever needed! we are thankful to have you guys in our lives! thank you for always being so caring and treating us like siblings should treat one another! we love being able to spend time with you guys, all the laughs, and the memories we always share as family!
I am thankful for a brother, brother in law, sister and sister in law who have always been there for Trev and I whenever needed! we are thankful to have you guys in our lives! thank you for always being so caring and treating us like siblings should treat one another! we love being able to spend time with you guys, all the laughs, and the memories we always share as family!
I'm thankful to have such amazing friends that I can call and they will just sit and listen and let me cry or scream before they even try to speak, we don't get to see each other all the time but it's like we can pick up from where we left off the last time we saw each other and talk for hours!
I'm thankful to have a warm bed to sleep in! {people that know me, know I love my sleep}
I'm thankful Trev and I have jobs to be able to afford the things we need in life! We are both hard workers and I can't wait to have kids and teach them to be hard workers also.
I'm thankful for such an awesome Dr. That has been there for Trev and I through this whole process of trying to have a family, he understands everything! He knows how heartbreaking it really is!
I'm thankful for a kitchen! An oven and stove and kitchen utensils! To be able to cook! I learned to cook from the best! And I'm thankful I can cook homemade meals for my family and can't wait to teach my children! {I've about got Trev trained!, maybe a few more years}
I'm thankful for photography! I believe with all my heart every picture tells a story! I know my husband gets sick of family pictures every year but these pictures are memories! Memories that I will cherish all my life!
I'm thankful for vacations I love to travel when we have the money, a good getaway with my hubby and sometimes pup can be so nice just to relax and spend some time together as a family.
I'm thankful for the beauty of nature! Seriously have you ever just stopped and looked around at what's in front of you? I will never forget the day my husband and I took Max for a walk and let him play at the park and my husband said to me "come lay down by me and look at the clouds in the sky"
Me being my selfish way and asking why, then kinda thinking to myself he is being weird! But I did it, I laid beside him and we both looked into the sky and laughed and giggled, but the best part was looking at the amazing sky and saying what we thought each cloud looked like, and being able to do this with my best friend!
"There is beauty all around"
And last I'm thankful for myself some people think I may be selfish for saying that but if anyone asked my husband I usually would not admit or say anything good about myself-I'm always so hard on myself as my husband would say...one small zit on my face I sit and say how gross I look, I say how fat I am and how gross I look from being on fertility pills, seriously it makes you gain weight and want to eat non stop! I'm hard on myself...and I have noticed throughout this whole difficulty getting pregnant I have become a stronger person inside and out, there are times that yes I can't hold back my tears and I just burst out bawling but that is from holding it in and being strong for so long I'm ready to explode, I am healthy, and I am thankful for good health!! I am thankful for the teachings of how to be strong and patient! Sometimes we don't understand God's plans for us but I know with all my heart he is teaching me how to be patient and strong at the same time!
There is so much to be thankful for in life and I know I need to be better at looking on the brighter side of life, try to see the little things in life even when life feels like it's falling apart! I always have an amazing husband by my side and amazing family there always!!
listed below is a link I got from a friend of mine that is also struggling with infertility/difficulty getting pregnant, I wanted to share because some people don't understand how words really do get taken to heart and how much it does make us feel down.
Thanks for reading todays post!!
{Always be thankful}
listed below is a link I got from a friend of mine that is also struggling with infertility/difficulty getting pregnant, I wanted to share because some people don't understand how words really do get taken to heart and how much it does make us feel down.
Thanks for reading todays post!!
{Always be thankful}
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