Friday, November 21, 2014

Bobbie Thomas from Today

I wanted to share a link on  Bobbie Thomas from the Today show...I have followed her story while she has been going through her struggles of trying to get pregnant, this lady is a strong woman inside and out and she is one I love to read and listen about because she is so strong in every situation her and her husband are going through! Although Trev and I haven't made the decision yet to do IVF because of the cost situation with IVF I always love to hear all about it and peoples stories about going through this because possibly one day Trev and I may have to do the IVF process if our other options don't work. So I like to know what people go through just so I'm aware of what I will have to go through...I have looked up to Bobbie Thomas since the day I started reading all the struggles she was going through, she isn't a gal who hides behind cameras! She's out there on tv getting judged for everything. So glad she is putting her story out there so all of us woman that are going through the same struggles can read or listen to how strong she is through all of this and help all of us try to be the same! Enjoy the link and her video!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


{Researching} So I have been sick now for two weeks! yes two weeks! stupid cold, sinus, cough, sore throat, headaches, ear aches, you name it, I got it! SO today I have basically been sleeping most of the day with the ear ache and head pressure going on! hasn't been fun...I thought I would get on and blog after I have been sitting here trying to come up with ideas for Christmas gift ideas and searching on the internet...
I had a talk the other night with my mom we discussed and just chatted about everything and all about this baby making stuff...she talked to me about some ideas and things to think on so I have been doing a lot of research on the web looking at different Dr's and kind of just trying to put together a plan or something affordable that Trev and I could go through...its so hard to try to come up with new ideas and new options because all your other options have failed over and over...yes the last IUI we went through, the one that I basically almost gave up on even doing because I was in so much failed...this is where it all begins after you have a failed IUI then I am constantly thinking of new ideas like I have said before, I have not given up on this hope for a baby because I feel like if this is seriously on my mind 24/7 then there is a reason why...its just like my mom always says "some people just have to fight harder for a baby" and it is so true...I will fight till the end...I will fight until we have this babe into our arms...while researching and looking into a few different sites I ran across a site and I wanted to point out some things that were said on this website that really caught me and how true these words really are...
  • A study from Harvard Medical School in Boston shows that woman who have difficulty getting pregnant can be as depressed as those who have major heart problems or cancer.
  • Having difficulty getting pregnant can cause as much grief as losing a loved one.
  • There's a fear that life will be eternally empty, some feel a sense of damage and brokenness; it goes to the heart.
  • Its almost impossible to convey what its like to people who haven't gone through it. There's a feeling of despair and loss that you just can't qualify, so much weight is on the line, so many questions...
  • Woman wonder why our bodies are betraying us, why won't it do what it is supposed to do!?
  • Woman get so heartbroken with every failed test, they get angry, they get disappointed to where they want to give up on everything and even life itself...
  • Couples get into a very dark place, they began avoiding friends, family, phone calls or texts, canceling plans and not making new ones, just to get away from the questions of everyone.
  • Treatments can be so intense that even when money is not a factor, the stress can be too much to continue.
  • Woman become slaves to their monthly cycles, monitoring ovulation dates, when to take fertility pills, how many days in between each menstrual cycle and so on.
I wanted to just write a few of these down because so many people just don't understand how hard it is for someone that goes day in and day out of the struggle of not being able to have a child or the difficulty couples go through trying to have a baby that have to fight for this angel to be apart of there family. I read this article and I sat there and realized how much of that article fits me lately...other than going to work to provide for my family, coming home and making dinner for my husband and I, and always stressing over little things...I cannot explain how much baby is just on my mind...having a baby runs through my mind everyday and if someone followed me and looked over my shoulder everyday and watched every little thing I would be amazed...constant googling, putting notes down in my phone, tracking menstrual cycle, putting on my calander when to start fertility, putting the dates down for each procedure and when it failed...seriously if I lost my phone and someone found it and went through it they would probably think I was fact there was one night I got home from work and told my husband we have to go to Logan! my phone would not turn on, I tried everything, I was seriously freaking-that phone is my life! some people think they can't go without there phone because they need to check facebook or whatever, I basically can't go without my phone because of my notes and calendars.
I just want to say when someone is dealing with constant fails of not getting pregnant, its seriously a touchy subject...its hard when people ask questions, or people are constantly talking of other pregnancies it makes couples want to put ear muffs on and run out the door...some people don't understand how touchy we are-I have sat and listened to people talk and talk and not stop talking over pregnancies that I have tried with all my heart to hold back tears...sometimes it gets that hard to the point where you can't hold in the tears anymore, yes we couples are so happy for other couples that are expecting, it is just so difficult because it gets to the point where you just want something so bad...and its like you can't do anything about it! we have no control, you feel like a failure at times...its just really just a word from this gal that is struggling if you know of someone that is going through the difficulty of trying to get pregnant but can't, just common courtesy think before you do or really is a touchy subject between husband and wife especially when everyone is getting pregnant around you but you...its hard, and couples have to deal with it everyday and put on a happy face and be excited for them even through the struggle of what we are going through...we couldn't be happier for everyone that gets to hold those sweet babes in there arms and get to teach and love on them. As for now all of us couples that struggle will keep praying, and having faith!
I have to brag about my husband, the day I found out my IUI failed I had a moment...I broke down into tears and so many thoughts rushed through my mind..."I give up, why am I not good enough to be a mom, what's wrong with me, I am a failure, I can't give my husband a baby," I mean all these thoughts just rush through your mind you just don't know where to begin or what to do next...Trev left and went and got us some dinner, I had a moment home by myself there were a lot of tears, screaming, bawling so hard I was shaking, cursing at the man above....I mean what else...when Trev got home I had the bedroom door closed and locked just having my girl moment for awhile...he still came to check on me...he never leaves my side through any of this, he is always there to hold me and tell me this will all work out even when I have told myself I am done. I love this man with all I have, I know God has made us go through this struggle for a reason and I think it is to bring us closer, to show each other the love for one another more, to be patient with each other and to always be there for one another. This isn't a fun struggle we have been through but as long as I have my husband by my side I will fight until the end. I love you Trev and thanks for dealing with my break downs at times! On a side note when you go through bad days getting your hair did, a little shopping, cooking snickerdoodles, and putting your Christmas Tree up in November always makes for a happier day...hope you enjoy todays blog! Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I wanted to post some fun little hobbies I have done throughout my life! my {spare time} my little spare time that I rarely have lately because if I am not at work I am laying on the couch resting from being exhausted from work! Life has been chaotic lately...I feel like I haven't had a lot of time for just myself or my family! Gaaaah! I am so ready for the holidays for family time! That's all I want is to spend time with family, cook, and eat lots of yummy food!! I am excited to help my momma with her fun cooking and all she does during the holidays! have I mentioned my mom is seriously my BEST FRIEND?! She is someone I look up to everyday!! She is such an inspiration and an amazing person inside and out! her and my pops! love them both! Anyways, back to my hobbies! just to list a few! 








And someday in my dreams, yes in my dreams I want to own my own bakery business...Yes I can keep telling myself to keep dreaming...but seriously I LOVE TO BAKE! mostly treats and goodies! how fun would that be! I will keep that in my dreams and dream everyday for my own bakery! I grew up with the most amazing bakers in my family! Both of my grandma's, Grandma Vaughan and Grandma Alder, I always remember sitting on there counter as a child and helping them bake all the time! So many memories I will always keep close to my heart. Another amazing baker would be my mother! I have learned so much from her! I remember always calling her when I was younger and asking her how much butter I use if it calls for a 1/2 Cup, ha!! I learned something new all the time from her!, my dad! if anyone has ever tried my dads dutch oven cooking! you would agree with me! he is AMAZING! he loves learning new recipes to cook in the dutch ovens and not only that he has won two years in a row when he entered a dutch oven cooking contest! Go Dad!! along with my aunts! I can't leave them out!, and My grandpa Alder! he amazes me everyday!! 90 years old, and he loves to cook! his homemade ice-cream! oh my goodness! A-mazing! he would always make bread when I was growing up, it was so fun to see how excited he would get when he pulled his bread out and how perfect it was! love my gramps! and I can't forget Trev's gram! I seriously love her! She always loves to help and show me new recipes or how to bake something new! 
I come from an amazing family that all love to cook!! 
Its pretty fun during the holidays! 
Here are some pictures of some goodies I have made, photography, and crafting! Enjoy!!

PS: I wanted to attach a link to a family member out of the Alder family who is my mothers cousin! she is on KSL and has tons of videos and yummy recipes! she is a fun lady! her name is 
Kathleen Alder, her and her husband live in Logan, Utah, in a gorgeous house! you may know her husband who was a Dr in Ogden, Utah and has now retired, {Dr. Alder}

Crafts & Baking

McCombs Family


Cox Family