Hey Blogger Friends!
I have had so much on my mind and I have been so excited to share with you what I got to experience! I woke up last night Sunday night around 2:30 am to let my pup out to potty and couldn't go back to bed I was basically up wide awake! I tried everything! I counted sheep, I turned on the tv with no volume, I played on Pinterest {it usually makes me sleepy} I tried everything to the point where I tossed and turned the rest of the night from 3 am on...my husband then got home around 5: 30 am from working graves and I still couldn't sleep, I finally fell asleep around 6:30 am and had to be up for work at 7 am...SO today has been a zombie day! I have been waiting all day to come home soak in my hot bath, put my long john pjs on and curl up in my blanket on the couch and watch....wait for it....wait for it...THE BACHELOR!!! WOOP WOOP! lets all just talk about Chris Soules everyone...a farmer with a tan, did I say tan? or I meant nice eyes, gorgeous smile, or how bout that body!!! LOL!! don't worry my hubby knows I am obsessed with this guy! but thats what he gets for constantly asking where Anna Trebunskaya is every time Dancing with the Stars comes on! HA! we still love the crap out of each other don't worry! So basically what was on my mind all night...why couldn't I sleep!? no it wasn't because of Chris Soules I promise! ha!! here's my story of how everything went down and why I couldn't sleep because I was full of excitement!
Last week I had a week literally from you know where! work was madness as we had state survey reviewing our office, so it was really tense at work! I had some issues with my Dr.'s office basically that I don't really want to bring up because I love my Dr, we just had some issues and crap hit the fan...{basically don't mess with this girl when she is on fertility meds} I am emotional, I am moody, I cry a lot, I eat for no reason, and I gain weight! fertility pills are so fun! grrr! don't get me wrong I love my Dr, and I love the office, there are just some things that needed to be brought up as to how important all this is to my husband and I, that we have been putting down a lot of money to this office, so basically when we have questions we want answers or at least to be able to ask our physician...right? you should be able to discuss everything with your Dr when you are going through this journey, you should feel like you are cared about when you are going through all this and being so stressed that you don't know where to go next...that should be where your Dr should come in and help you out and give you guidance that you need-basically pointing you in the right direction and where Trev and I should be going next...well this wasn't happening we basically were on our own not knowing what we should be doing or where to go next and we weren't getting phone calls back. Frustrating right? more like I have been in tears all last week and starting out this week-you basically just want to know that someone is there to help you and I felt like I was just standing there with no where to turn, no answers no where to go...I was heartbroken to say the least-You find a physician you can trust, you have been with him for over 5 years, he knows all about your journey and what my husband and I have been through and then just one day you receive no phone call back with an answer-so its like playing a guessing game do I start my fertility pills again? do I schedule another follicle check appointment? do I do another IUI? this I wouldn't know for a whole week because I never got a phone call back to answer my questions...Frustrating right? yes we are all busy, Dr's get extremely busy, and my husband and I understand that but as a patient going through this whole fertility process we as husband and wife are dealing with enough stress/hurt/disappointment/struggle, the last thing we should have to do is worry about trying to get ahold of our physician when we have questions...we should be receiving a phone call back or even an apology as to he forgot to call us? I mean something...anyways that's my rant over last week's bad week, but let me tell you something I did get a call back from my physician and things are fine we meet with him this week to go over options and everything else...so moving forward with this blog and why I even started writing tonight and why I was so excited to write and tell you what happened!
I am on instagram I LOVE The Tattooed Mormon-Al Fox! I follow her stories, I follow her blog, I follow her instagram, I follow her youtube...you get the hint? this girl is spiritually AMAZING! Her story makes you just listen to her that much more...anyways, I re posted a picture on my instagram from her instagram with a quote, I posted the quote on Friday night after I got home from the crappy week that went on and on...this quote states "FORCE YOURSELF TO SAY A PRAYER NO MATTER HOW FRUSTRATED YOU GET" -AL FOX CARRAWAY as I sat and read this quote over and over in my head I realized to myself I just need to shut my mouth at times and pray! when I am stressed, when I am sitting in my bed in tears, when I feel like I want to give up, PRAY...So here I posted this quote on my instagram on Friday and I went on with my weekend, ran a few errands, cleaned my house, put away all my Christmas decorations, and then took a break from it all. On Sunday I was looking at my instagram and I see this picture that Al posted on her instagram...She was speaking in Franklin, Idaho at 7 pm that night! I literally was full of excitement, I saw that and I instantly text my friend MaRee and asked if she was going, I was so excited that she said she would go with me! so we went and listened to her speak at my ward! it was like seeing a famous person that's how excited I was! She was amazing!! and her story...was seriously something I truly needed to hear! she has such a positive influence for our youth!, and her constant reminders to help keep everyone focused on our goals during the journey of life! if you have never heard of The Tattooed Mormon please do me a favor, or yourself a favor! google her, look her up! listen to her story! I can honestly admit I have not been a perfect LDS Mormon, I haven't gone to church every Sunday, I have a mouth on me when I want to cuss I cuss...
I went through a phase where I had felt like I didn't need to go to church to show people that I am a good person...good excuse right?, lets say not. Basically dumb excuse, but nothing will ever stop me from knowing what is true, and what my beliefs are...I was raised in the LDS church by the most amazing LDS parents, they are not perfect, no one is perfect, they taught there children right from wrong, they taught us kids what they thought was best for us and honestly I know from this day what is best for me...my biggest fan and the most powerful person I know that will always be there for me whenever I need to speak to someone is the man above all I need to do is {Pray} do I struggle with prayer? Yes! I think to myself all the time why, why should I pray, I am not worth his time...but each and everyone of us are his children! he has time for each and every one of us! when you don't get an answer look around that may be your answer of him telling you no...that may be your answer for him to help you be safer in where you are or what you need at that time...I will always stay close to my beliefs, I am not perfect and I am one person that will admit that! but I do know what does make me happy when I am down and need some clarity in life, and that is talking to the man above! Thanks for reading today! have a happy week! XO!